Your contribution to Resist the Pipeline helps with
- court costs
- protest materials
- art supplies
- newspaper ads
- and keeping this web site up.
If you’d like to make a larger contribution through a tax deductible partner, please contact us at [email protected]

keep on fighting the good fight <3 the momentum and potential of this movement is only successful for all of your endless efforts. i am proud to stand with you all.
I’d like to add our names to the full-page newspaper ad in the West Roxbury Weekly. Please include as follows:
Carolyn and Rand Barthel, 350 Massachusetts
with respect and great thanks.
Keep fighting; we can’t give up!
Thank you from a grateful Weymouth resident.
I’d like to add my name for the full page ad in the W. Roxbury paper.
Rachel Wyon
Member of Mothers Out Front and 350 Massachusetts/Better Future Project
Please add my name to the full page ad.
Andrea Cherez
Theodore Parker Church
Save our planet! End fossil fuel infrastructure! NOW!
Member of Mothers Out Front.
Please add my name to the list of supporters to Stop the Spectra-AIM project.
About 25% of methane gas leaks come from wells and pipelines causing the EPA to revise its regulations to decrease production by a third over the next 12 years. Spectra has not acknowledged the leakage problem or engaged in reduction targets. Planned expansion by Spectra in a failing, unnecessary natural gas infrastructure system should be prohibited as a defective project that promotes accelerated climate change.
Please add my support to the effort to stop Spectra and the West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline!
Please add me too if not too late. Lauren Ockene, 350 Boston