“Today I had the privilege (literally) of getting arrested for impeding the construction of an unwanted, dangerous, and destructive gas pipeline in West Roxbury. There were two of us middle aged white guys and ten mostly female college students. The police treated us with care and professionalism. Consider the irony of this statement from one of the officers before it was time to arrest us. “You young people should be thinking about your futures and not doing something that’s going to stay on your records.” A minute went by and then one of the students said, “Well, the whole reason we are here risking arrest is because we are thinking about our futures!” The officer meant well. But what he was saying assumed that “our futures” will be okay if we just keep doing the same things, following the same rules. IT WON’T and WE CAN’T. If you are a middle aged person like me, please consider joining in the climate justice movement. You don’t have to get arrested. You do have to think about the kind of future you want for your children and grandchildren, and take action. It’s not fair to make the young people try to save themselves alone.”