We care about the public safety of our community. The short-term stock price of Spectra gas company should not put our community at risk for 50 years.
We don’t need new fossil fuel infrastructure that locks us into a dead end energy source.
We have exhausted all legal remedies. The Texas-based Spectra Corporation, with the approval of the remote and unaccountable Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), has begun digging up our neighborhood streets in Boston.
A private corporation, designated by FERC with the powers of eminent domain, sued our City to gain access to our city streets. They have refused to accommodate local concerns. Quarry residents are alarmed how illogical this plan is.
Our community, and all our elected officials, including our Mayor Martin Walsh, the entire Boston City Council, our state legislators, and our U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch, are opposed to this project. They have spoken out vigorously in defense of our community.
What can we do when a federal regulatory agency -that is essentially is captured by corporate gas interests — overrides the health and safety concerns of our community? We do not trust FERC to be looking out for our interests when it acts so subservient to the interests of the natural gas industry.
Who will protect our community from the Spectra bully? Who will ask the question: Do we really need this gas? We take heart that Attorney General Maura Healy is investigating this question.
Should we be building billion dollar pipelines for a fuel source everyone knows is contributing to climate change? We ask our Department of Public Utilities why they have allowed this to happen? Should we just stand by and allow this to happen? Should we allow this to go unanswered?
We know that the driver of this whole process is natural gas exports. Companies such as Spectra urgently need to get their product to international markets. FERC is cooperating with them, overriding the interests of local communities all over the eastern seaboard.
The West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline is a fig-leaf, a justification. We do not need new fossil fuel infrastructure that locks us into natural gas at a time when we should rapidly shifting to renewable energy.